Updates from the Laikipia Wildlife Forum


(Posted 26th July 2017)


Mount Kenya Trust June 2017 Report

You can now download a summary operations report for June 2017 from the Mount Kenya Trust here.

If you would like any further information about MKT, please contact Susie Weeks, Executive Director on:
T: +254 722 436641

Meanwhile has the trust also reminded all intending participants in their photo competition to send in their submissions for the Mpala Calendar 2018 within the next five days to be considered for publication:

The Mpala annual calendar showcases the beauty of Mpala’s landscape and wildlife, and the diversity of research and outreach programmes that are based there. The calendar also helps raise money to support the Mpala Research Centre and its programmes.

If your photo gets published, your name will appear in the calendar, and you will also receive a free copy. Mpala also uses submitted photos in their brochure and newsletter.

So if you have been to Mpala recently and have beautiful pictures of your time there please submit them to piaf. It is recommended that you use WeTransfer (https://wetransfer.com/): an easy way to transfer several files relatively quickly. Pictures of wildlife (from insects to large mammals), the landscape, your research team or students in the field, and outreach projects are all welcome.
Support this great cause and get snapping!

Submissions close on 31st July 2017