Vanilla Islands complete third edition of their Pro Am Golf Tournament

Vanilla Islands Pro Am Tours 2019
Vanilla Islands Pro-Am Tours 2019

A successful 3rd edition !

The Vanilla Islands Pro Am Tours is a golfing event organised successively on two islands in the Indian Ocean. It is a golf competition combined with discovering the islands.

The 3rd edition, which took place between the 10 and 20 December, brought French golfers to La Reunion on the Bourbon Golf Club and Bassin Bleu courses. A second stage then led them to the greens of the Anahita Golf Club and the Île aux Cerfs Golf in Mauritius.

19 teams of four players (1 professional and 3 amateurs) came face to face during 6 rounds of the competition.

The prize-giving evening organised in Anahita last Wednesday night then brought the sporting part of the trip to a close. All the participants were rewarded at this time, as is customary.

With a gross score of 412 points, the team of the professional Patrice Barquez, Jean Loup Duvail, Benjamin Legueu and Richard Pellissero won 1st place in this Pro-Am competition in the Vanilla Islands.

The team of the professional Leonard Bem, Catherine Ouvrard et Jean Pierre Ouvrard rose to 1st place in the net scores, with 533 points. Leonard Bem, therefore won two awards in the islands after having won the French Open Doubles on Reunion several days beforehand.

Beyond the sporting results, all participants said they felt satisfied by the services and benefits offered during their stay and would already like to come back.

The majority of them have been loyal to the organisation since the 1st edition! The proof of this is the quality of the product created with all partners in the Indian Ocean.

There are also considerable economic benefits from this. This shows the organisation the way forward for the future.

For Pascal VIROLEAU, Director of the Vanilla Islands, "once again this year, the event was a success. It shows the rest of the world the quality of the courses and services, in order to attract new tourists.

The combined inter-island event is a must and the partnership between the two islands takes on a new meaning.

We have made progress on all levels of the organisation. There is such a high level of satisfaction that a fourth edition is now on the cards."
Nos partenaires 2019!