Walking across Africa for elephants + wild dog sighting! + a luxury lodge marathon


(Posted 27th September 2023)


Courtesy of Charlotte Beauvoisin of Diary of a Muzungu


Hello and Happy World Tourism Day!

If you’ve been reading Diary of a Muzungu for a while – can you believe we launched almost 15 years ago? – you’ll know that I’m passionate about conservation and everything wild!

Travel can truly broaden the mind (assuming you leave the ‘expat bubble’ of course!)

This World Tourism Day, the United Nations World Tourism Organization highlights the need for more investments to meet the Sustainable Development Goals the UN roadmap for a better world by 2030. “Now is the time for new and innovative solutions” they say, meaning it cannot be business as usual so you’ll be certain to see even more responsible tourism projects on Diary of a Muzungu. My podcast ties in beautifully with that theme ? by giving an international platform for conservation and the natural world. Watch this space…

Have you heard about Jim Nyamu’s cross-continental walks?

Jim Nyamu and Charlotte Diary of a Muzungu at the Giraffe Centre, Nairobi.


One of my conservation heroes! He doesn’t only adore elephants, Jim Nyamu is on the Board at the Giraffe Centre in Nairobi too!


Jim campaigns tirelessly to protect elephants and has just crossed into Rwanda after several weeks walking across Uganda! His aim: to encourage African nations to collaborate to protect this species that knows no borders. His four-month walk from Kenya (via Uganda and Rwanda) to the DR Congo is his 16th Campaign Walk for Elephants and will cover approximately 3,200 km. If you see him, why not join the walk for a day?

Read Trunk call: Jim Nyamu walks from Kenya to the DRC to protect elephants. What an amazing feat!

Back from extinction? Or just back for the day?

It’s exciting to add a new species to my blog so I couldn’t believe it when a grainy but unmistakeable image of an African wild dog did the rounds on WhatsApp after a sighting in the border area of northeastern Uganda.

Guess what the muzungu will be looking for on her safari to Kidepo? ? Read African wild dog excitement in Kidepo!

Painting of an African wild dog pictured with the ARTIST COPYRIGHT Carrel Kumbirai

Painting of a South African wild dog pictured with the artist. COPYRIGHT Carrel Kumbirai



imageimage #RunForChange #Marathon2023

Run for a Cause! Join Kyaninga Lodge near Fort Portal this November for a Marathon that’s not just about the miles, but about making a lasting impact: providing therapy, education and advice to disabled children and their families. To register, fill this form. For details about the Marathon and Kyaninga’s other sporting events (Triathlon, bike races and 10km runs), read Sign up for Kyaninga’s 2023 events now! They are brilliant.

For full details about Kyaninga's annual sporting events, click on the graphic




Start your journey here! ?


  • The consistently popular Isunga Lodge near Kibale Forest (with views of the Rwenzori Mountains and Queen Elizabeth National Parks too!)
  • Tour operator EBS Tours and Safaris


Packing up to permanently leave Uganda? You may want to read this: tax, money and all the legal stuff! Courtesy of Origo Associates in Kampala.

Do check them all out?

SafariBookings is the largest online marketplace for African safari tours.




If you’re looking for travel recommendations, just hit reply or text +256 (0)758 802319 during business hours. ?

I’m also active on FacebookInstagram and LinkedIn so let’s hang out there too!

Thanks for all your comments and questions. I LOVE hearing from you!

Charlotte Beauvoisin AKA Nagawa?