We Have Made It Easier For You To Donate To The LRVC!


Dear ATC Readers,


With just a click of a button, you can now access the platforms that will allow you to donate towards the Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign (LRVC) 2017.

We have activated our M-Changa Account that allows you to donate to the campaign if you are residing in Kenya. All you have to do is follow this active link: Wipe Out Rabies In Laikipia.

If you are donating from outside Kenya, then please use our International Crowd Funding link: HERE

The Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign (LRVC) begun in 2015 by the Mpala Research Centre in order to provide real-time health benefits for these vulnerable communities, as well as domestic animals and wildlife. Last year’s campaign saw over 4, 000 dogs vaccinated as a result of support from various partners that included Bruce Ludwig, Laikipia Wildlife Forum, the County Government of Laikipia, and Ol Pejeta Conservancy among others.

Every year, rabies kills 2,000 people in rural Kenya. The disease, transmitted through the bite of an infected animal, disproportionately affects rural, resource-limited communities. Rabies is 100% fatal in humans, and completely preventable. If we take informed steps, we can significantly minimise exposure to rabies and accomplish Kenya’s Vision 2030 of being an entirely rabies free nation!

For more information, please contact John Gitonga on: john.gitonga Tel: 0726 500260

The Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign is proudly supported by:
Mpala Research Centre, Laikipia Wildlife Forum, Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Borana Conservancy, The County Government Of Laikipia, Laikipia Pastoralist Development Organisation, Rift Valley Adventures, Department of Veterinary Services (KWS), University Of Karatina, University Of Nairobi, Ol Maisor Ranch, Veterinarians International

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