Wedding season? Honeymoons?

In her week opener does Lillian Gaitho take aim at weddings and honeymoons, and having just attended a family wedding myself in the old country, I hasten to share her insights with you all … Meanwhile, as Lillian was too shy to name her favourite honeymoon destinations, here are a few tips of my own …

Homegrown honeymoons are popular too and many of East Africa’s lodges and beach resorts offer special packages for newly weds, be it in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania or Zanzibar … the upside is less travelling time, normally quite some savings and on the downside, if any, perhaps less to brag about but then, honeymoons are about the honeymooners and not their social media circles.

Next of course is my own paradise destination Seychelles, which can be reached four times a week with Kenya Airways from across the region and the Seychelles has honeymooon options for all pockets, from self catering chalets (don’t worry, staff can be hired to cook and wash the dishes) to the fanciest luxury retreat on North Island where the British royals and the Clooneys enjoyed married bliss …

Dubai anyone? Be sure that the city which never sleeps offers plenty of action outside the honeymoon suite if the couple prefers to see the sights and enjoy the attractions. Getting there again is easy considering the many airlines which fly from East Africa to Dubai or Sharjah.

Or perhaps a visit to Egypt, with the honeymoon suite balcony giving an unrestricted view to the pyramids and then followed by a cruise up the Nile? That is clearly another option and your travel agent will no doubt be delighted to make recommendations.

But now on to Lillian’s logistical tips and to whom it may concern, bliss and lasting happiness when tying the knot.

Top Six Honeymoon Tips for the Newly Weds

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From operas to sitcoms and box-office busters, there’s something new every season for brides in the making. To deviate from the norm, here are a few tips for the Man of the Moment to aid him in putting together the perfect honeymoon, again, for the bride!

The Best Honeymoon Possible

It will cost you money, but this is not news. Money however cannot guarantee you the dream-you need proper planning, you need to put in some hours and stamp your signature on your first holiday as husband and wife. Of course it’s romantic for the bride to endlessly retell tales of how she was whisked away to the Mara; but if combing through the nitty gritties is not your thing, hire a professional. Ask her friends, lose a wink every other night and listen to her dreams, Google perfect honeymoon tips and re-tailor tried ideas.

Takes Two to Tangle

That the wedding is a bride’s affair is now an old wife’s tale. Because this day will have a great impact on your honeymoon. Planning a honeymoon requires more than a boarding pass and gate fees; involve her in the prepping, and even though you want to surprise her, it’s important that you still take her to a place she has longed to be, and one that caters to your and her interests.

Planning Can Be Romantic

Planning does not just have to be a case of check lists upon others; inject some romance. This means that, in between meeting the flower vendor and the page boys; you can still pluck a rose and leave it on her dresser. It’s okay if she still lives with her dad, pop in on a random evening and help with a note or step for their father-daughter first dance. These small endearing deeds will help ease the weight and anxiety that most bride-to-be’s experience during the planning process.

Choose the Right Hotel

This is fundamental. While it is easier to settle on the destination of your honeymoon, choosing the hotel may prove a bit more complex. Consider all the facilities that are important to the two of you; check hotel menus-there’s no need of spending nights and days in an exquisite hotel whose menu you can’t stand. Also, ensure that all your transport issues are sorted and settled. If the hotel has any special honeymoon package, take advantage. Also, note that hotel booking sites and agencies such as Jovago, Hotels Combined and Expedia may also have coupons and vouchers purely for the love of newlyweds!

But a Little Surprise Will Go A Long Way…

Even if your bride knows exactly where you will spend your honeymoon; go out of your way and organize for a little surprise. For instance, organize a couple massage to soak up all the wedding planning stress, talk to your hotel for special service, maybe a short well-edited mini video of your vows can work well for the first movie night in your honeymoon suite, consider her favorite band for a welcome tune or just a simple card pronouncing your undying love-and the happily ever after you two just kicked off. You can also call Travel Advisors from to organize for custom needs and special orders that you may have to add that punch to your stay.

Be Realistic

It’s expected that your wedding night will be marked by the best love-making of your lifetime; a pre-run of the future ahead. But, chances are it won’t happen at all! This could be the first night that you two actually get a dusk to dawn snooze after weeks of vendor meetings and site visits. Falling asleep in the assurance of your new status may just be enough. Sleeping in late and catching up on all-things-needful the morning after is totally acceptable.