(Posted 30th May 2018)
After a record breaking 2017 whale watching season – nearly 180 whales were spotted and recorded between June and October last year – have reports come in that the game is on again after the first whales were seen frolicking off the Reunion shores two days ago.
Reunion is one of the best places in the world to observe whales, especially humpback whales, classified as protected species. The turquoise and translucent waters of Reunion are home to colorful fish and coral, but also dolphins and whales. Whales return every year from late May and early June to October and offer spectacular sightings as they do their acrobatics and ballets.
Visitors to the island will be delighted to see them off the coast of Reunion or on a passenger boat trip undertaken by experienced and certified ocean guides.
The Reunion Marine Nature Reserve, the South Indian Ocean Sea (DMSOI), and the Indian Ocean Nature Brigade have a sensitization and surveillance role. They ensure the tranquility of these giants of the sea, the respect of the charter of approach of the whales by mariners, charter extended to the dolphins and marine turtles, launched in 2009 by the Sypral (Union of the Professionals of the activities of leisure on the island of Reunion) and the association Globice Réunion (Local Group of Reservation and Identification of CEtacées). Users must strictly adopt and engage in responsible attitudes.