Which airline flies the Airbus A380 to 35 destinations?


(Posted 03Rd August 2015)

Travelers from East Africa destined to the Spanish capital Madrid can now look forward to experiencing a flight on the world’s largest passenger aicraft, the Airbus A380. Emirates, Dubai’s award winning airline, launched flights with this aircraft type this weekend, substituting the smaller Boeing B777 in a move which sees seat capacity rise by a whopping 2.900 per week.

It is however not only of importance for Emirates passengers from Entebbe, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, to where the airline flies daily and double daily respectively, but also for Spanish tourists coming to East Africa for safaris and beach vacations more exotic than the Costa Brava.

They too will be able to travel to Dubai in what has been described as the best inflight comfort of any wide bodies plane, while then travelling on to their final destination on Boeing 777’s which are deployed to the three East African destinations.

The Kenya coast though will probably scratch their combined heads what it takes to get an airline like Emirates to fly to Mombasa, given that Emirates flies an Airbus A380 twice a day to Mauritius and a Boeing B777 twice a day to Mahe on the Seychelles. Both destinations have in the past hugely benefitted from their cooperation with Emirates and Kenya’s tourism marketers will have their work cut out for them to convince their own government that opening the skies will be a crucially important component in reviving the coast tourism industry.