Whitley and Segre join hands to form new conservation trust

Coral Reef - Deepak Apte

(Posted 08th January 2016)

New international wildlife conservation fund announced

A new fund to support the conservation of endangered species and their habitats across the developing world was launched in London yesterday, 07th January 2016 by the Whitley Fund for Nature and the Geneva based Fondation Segré.

Grants in the region of £50,000 per year, over a period of one to three years, are being offered to exceptional grassroots conservationists delivering high-impact projects that are addressing threats to conservation.

The newly created Whitley-Segré Conservation Fund provides further funding to previous Whitley Award winners to scale up their successful conservation work, and bring about lasting change for threatened wildlife, local communities and the environment they share.

The first round of funding is now open and recipients will be announced in October 2016.

The new Fund is the result of a partnership between UK charity, the Whitley Fund for Nature, and Swiss-based Fondation Segré. Both organisations are contributing 50% of the funding available through the new Fund, with Fondation Segré matching the amount raised by the Whitley Fund for Nature.

WFN Founder, Edward Whitley, said: ‘We are delighted to announce the new Whitley-Segré Conservation Fund, and the deepening of our partnership with Fondation Segré. For the first time this allows us to offer WFN supporters the chance to double their donation through matched funding, maximising the impact of their support. This is a unique opportunity for two committed organisations funding conservation where action is most needed, to learn from one another, and bring about positive change for species, habitats and people‘.

Claudio Segré, Founder and Chairman of Fondation Segré then added: ‘The Foundation has been a long-standing partner of the Whitley Fund for Nature. Our experience with them has been very positive and we wanted to build on that. Our new joint initiative will not only strengthen our collaboration but also, by joining forces and combining skills, enable exceptional conservationists to further their work in the field over a longer period of time‘.

Visit www.whitleyaward.org or www.fondationsegre.org for additional information about the two conservation organizations.