World Travel Market Africa 2024 reports a 53% attendance increase


(Posted 15th May 2024)


World Travel Market (WTM) Africa, as part of Africa Travel Week (ATW), concluded its 10th-
anniversary edition last month in the City of Cape Town with a 53% increase in attendance
compared to 2023. This surge in participation signals an optimistic future for Africa’s inbound
and outbound tourism industry and the significant value of WTM Africa.

Hosted at the CTICC between 07th and 12th April, the 2024 edition saw 99 countries represented
with 705 exhibiting companies and 5752 industry professionals under one roof. Organisers are
pleased to announce a further 40% increase in total buyers with a strong representation from
new markets, including the first-time destination participants of:

New Zealand

10 505 scheduled meetings took place between exhibitors and international buyers over three
days in addition to seven structured networking events, 106 content sessions and 123 speakers.

WTM Africa 2024 further amassed the support of 53 official partners, demonstrating the
collaborative spirit driving ATW and its bolt-on events, which include Tourism Investment Forum
Africa (TIFA), and Equal Africa among others.

The opening day of WTM Africa was highlighted by immersive discussions on sustainable
practices and responsible tourism, with a particular emphasis on ethical debates surrounding
responsible animal interactions. Harold Goodwin, World Travel Market’s Responsible Tourism
Advisor returned to host a dedicated Responsible Tourism session where three of the five
African winners from the 2023 Responsible Tourism Awards shared their inspiring stories.

The inaugural Media Awards recognised excellence in African travel journalism. This year’s
winners included:

? Sustainability Feature Award: Alexander Okere – Illegal Animal Trade
? Visual Tourism Award: Kelly Hammond
? Destination Feature Award: Phoebe Smith
? Tourism News Award: Adele Mackenzie – Tourism Update


Commenting on the overall success of the 2024 edition, Carol Weaving, Managing Director of
RX Africa, said: “We are incredibly proud to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Africa Travel Week with such a phenomenal turnout. This growth is a testament to the resilience and rising global appeal of the African tourism industry. We’re excited to contribute to the continued success and positive transformation of travel on the continent.”

Africa Travel Week 2024 serves as a testament to the continent’s vast potential in tourism,
further highlighting the collective commitment to fostering growth, innovation, and sustainability.


ATCNews will continue to update readers on the 2025 event which will take from the 06th to the 11th of April 2025 in Cape Town and also provide additional information as one of the event’s oldest media partners – a ten year partnership which has been renewed and extended for future editions.

Your comments are welcome and will receive a response in due course.