#WorldRhinoDay – As seen by #AfricanParks

There’s Hope for Rhinos

Two of the five newly reintroduced European rhinos in Akagera National Park, Rwanda. Photo © Drew Bantlin
Dear Friends,

With fewer than 5,000 black rhinos remaining in the wild, and the poaching threat upon them, the news about these animals is often bleak and seemingly hopeless.

But today on World Rhino Day, we want to share with you some optimistic and hopeful steps we’ve been taking in ensuring that rhinos, who have been on this planet for millions of years, can have a safe and hopeful future.

Thanks to our Government partners and donors like you, we have:

  • Reintroduced rhinos to Majete Wildlife Reserve in Malawi in 2003, a decade after they were last seen in the country;
  • In 2015 we assumed management of Liwonde National Park in Malawi, making African Parks responsible for the country’s entire rhino population;
  • In 2017 with the Rwandan Development Board (RDB) and the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, we reintroduced 18 Eastern black rhinos to Akagera National Park, ten years after the last individual was seen in Rwanda; and
  • In June of this year, together with the RDB and EAZA, we translocated five rhinos from European Zoos to Akagera, creating the most genetically diverse population on the continent.

Since restoring rhinos to both Majete in 2003 and to Akagera in 2017, not one rhino has been lost to poaching.

Today, Majete, Liwonde and Akagera are safe harbours for this incredibly threatened species. This is due to the efforts of our rangers in creating safe places, and to our community work, where local people are able to benefit from and value these wild, functioning places, and the species within them.

But we could not do this work without you.

When you donate to African Parks, thanks to our endowment and the generosity of our boards and major donors, 100% of your donation goes to the parks to support efforts like these.

Please consider donating today in support of rhinos and other species and help us continue to secure vast landscapes across Africa where both people and wildlife can thrive.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

From your friends at African Parks

One Response

  1. Is it necessary to reveal the location, name of park or game reserve or else where translocated Rhinos or other endangered wildlife are ???
    Why not only mention the country and organisation ( private or government having the means and anti poaching body and equipment to protect the Rhinos or any other creature being the target of illegal wildlife trade ) ???