#Zambia Tourism News Updates – Courtesy of #KafuntaSafaris


Kafunta Safaris

Hello ATCNews Readers!

That’s it, we are reaching the end of this challenging year. A year which made us slow down, adjust, look inward and reconsider what is important.

Yes the year was difficult but what matters is to stay positive, and always look at the bright side of life!

And this year the brightness came from YOU, from your sincere compassion and also your generosity.

Whether you are loyal guests, trade partners or friends & family, your encouragements over the past months have been amazing and boosting.

We thank you dearly!

And the response to the various fundraisers (we pushed many your way this year ) has been overwhelming!

Every single donation is making a difference to the well-being of the most vulnerable people of the Luangwa and to the protection of the wildlife. Thank you!

And finally a special thank you to Norbert & Angela Nelde, who donated $3500 to sponsor 5 students through Project Luangwa! You are bright stars!

We say farewell to 2020 with haste, and now focus on 2021. Our team is strong and resilient, so is the tourism industry and we look forward to tomorrow’s new promises.

And we know you will help us carry on through!

Even if we don’t quite return to the previous “normal” we are confident the new year will be a great adventure!

We are ready! Are you?

The Luangwa ellies and leopards are waiting for you, and so is our enthusiastic staff, eager to return to work!

On 01 April 2021 we will be all prepped up to welcome you and to embrace the future — together!

We wish you and your family a peaceful and joyous holiday season.

Farewell 2020 and… bring on 2021!