A guest post from the Mombasa and Coast Tourist Association

Coast Tourism Sector Hopes That the Lamu Cultural Festival Will Provide the Much Needed Boost

Tourism players at the Coast are hoping to make the best out of the upcoming 12th Lamu Cultural Festival. The Lamu Cultural Festivalis slated to go down as from the 15th to 18th November. It is the hope and prayer of industry players that the festival will bring Lamu and the Coast Tourism circuit to life following months of low tourist numbers throughout the coast tourism circuit. The coast, which is one of the leading tourist destinations in Kenya, has witnessed low business as a result of a number of things among them the Tana Delta clashes, violence from the secessionist Mombasa Republican Council, withdrawal of flights by a number of airlines as well as the Eurozone crisis.

Lamu has been one of the hardest hit due to the fact that it relies entirely on tourism. The situation was worsened when two tourists were kidnapped in the Island last year leading to foreign governments to issue travel advisories. However, the number of tourists has been on a steady rise and it is hoped that the Lamu Cultural festival will give the Island the boost it needs.

Ready..Set GO! Donkey Race at a previous Event

According to KTB Boss Mr Ndegwa, the investment in the form of Lamu Port-South Sudan Ethopia Traansport Corridor (LAPSSET), will be instrumental in showcasing the Islands potential in addition to raising the volume of investments in Lamu and her environs.

The Lamu Cultural Promotion Group Deputy Secretary Mr Mohamed Zein said the spirit of the Lamu Cultural Festival was to showcase that Lamu is indeed back on track in terms of trade. Additionally, the event will promote peaceful tourism in Lamu and the Coastal region in general.