#AFRAA announces the next Sky Connect Dialogue

(Posted 04th June 2022)

The June 2022 edition of AFRAA Sky-Connect will host Ms. Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo – Founder & President of The Young African Aviation Professional Association (YAAPA).

Join us for a thought-provoking one-on-one dialogue with Ms. Fadimatou Simo as she espouses to a continental audience on deep-seated trends, views and insights on African aviation and youth/women development.

Highlights of the dialogue:

The state of air transport recovery in Africa;
How air transport has supported tourism in the Central African region;
Youth and women in aviation – the role of YAAPA;
Developing aviation talent to support Africa aviation;
YAAPA collaboration with similar organisations;
Recently signed MoU with AFRAA – What’s in it?

Expect nothing but out-of-the-box thinking and far – reaching recommendations to shape Africa’s aviation.

Join us on 08 June 2022 at 14.00hrs EAT
Click here to Register