A blogathon has been organized for the period between October 24th and 31st to draw attention to the impact of climate change on the African continent. The Connect4Climate team is drawing in important bloggers and journalist with influence and deep reach from Africa to the rest of the world, to give our continent a voice and platform to present their views and facts on how climate change is already impacting on their own country and neighbourhood.
Topics for discussion and contributions are Agriculture, Energy, Forests, Gender, Health and Water with tourism and aviation notably absent, a sector ever present but often off peoples minds.
The Connect4Climate campaign can be followed on the main social media networks, i.e. Facebook via or on the direct twitter feed from @connect4climate
Hash tags have been created already for twitter users and should be inserted into a tweet as follows: #avcc and #c4climate to trigger of a trending campaign which ultimately will provide greater visibility and make following via global web search engines easier too.
The campaign is amongst others sponsored and supported by the World Bank and the Global Environmental Facility GEF, and a full list of partners can be found via
Adds this correspondent in closing: Participate and blog your heart out in support of anti climate change measures and activities.

One Response
A worthy blogging challenge. I’ll participate … I think.
Thanks for posting.