Alain St. Ange set to deliver his final presentation ahead of return to #Seychelles


(Posted 03rd April 2024)



Dr Hassan Abbasi, the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Natural Resources & Tourism for the United Republic of Tanzania welcomed Alain St.Ange, the former Minister responsible for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the Seychelles at his Dar es Salaam Offices.

Mr St.Ange, who was accompanied at the meeting by Maryvonne Pool, the Honorary Consul of the Seychelles, discussed what is seen as unique selling points (USPs) of Tanzania and what consulting opportunities could be developed by the United Republic of Tanzania using the ‘Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy’.

The discussions also touched on a proposed working visit by St.Ange in the coming weeks to pan out a way forward.

Tanzania has everything to make tourism succeed an industry” said the Permanent Secretary Dr Hassan Abbasi who was determined to make his country a beacon of success in the World of Tourism and thanked Mr St.Ange for making time to meet.

Alain St.Ange was in Dar es Salaam on a port stop by a luxuary liner that he is currently lecturing on. The liner in this point in time is cruising the coast of Southern and Eastern Africa.

Alain St. Ange then went on to deliver his penultimate presentation ahead of a port call in Mombasa / Kenya. It was the 7th Lecture in the 8-Series lectures on a luxury liner cruising the coast of Southern & Eastern Africa.
The lecture was entitled “Why Mombasa of Kenya” and touched on the history as well as the tourism attractions of Mombasa.
The seven lectures delivered so far have covered Maputo, Mozambique Island, Mayotte, Comoros, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam and now Mombasa.


Alain’s final lecture in this series will be on Seychelles before the cruise liner calls on Port Victoria, the Seychelles’ capital, where he will disembark following a two week journey from South Africa along the Eastern African Indian Ocean islands and coast line.

Your comments are welcome and will receive a response in due course.