#AviaDevEurope2020 to go online


(Posted 01st June 2020)

Dear aviation enthusiasts,

Taking into consideration all the uncertainties and risks related to organizing live events following the global covid-19 pandemic, the team at AviaDev Europe has decided not to organize a physical event in 2020.

However, we understand that the community also needs a platform to get together in these difficult times and we believe such a platform is now needed more than ever before. That is why AviaDev Europe 2020 is moving online and will take place on 16th – 17th September 2020.

Pre-arranged route development meetings have been an essential part of every AviaDev event. AviaDev Europe 2020 will be no different. We will provide a bespoke technological solution for those meetings. Representatives of airlines, airports and tourism boards will still receive a bespoke diary and conduct private and professional video meetings using our system across the two days. The morning of the 16th September will be dedicated to focused conference sessions, providing an opportunity to share and benefit from data, best practice and much more.

This year’s theme is Adapt, Develop and Engage and we are living these values through our solution. AviaDev Europe going online in 2020, ensures we are providing a safe, efficient and affordable opportunity for industry professionals to talk to each other. At the same time, we strongly believe in the power of live events and we can´t wait to meet with our friends from European airports, airlines, tourism boards and industry suppliers in person at AviaDev Europe 2021.

For registration and more information click here: www.aviadeveurope.online.

Kind regards



Managing Director, AviaDev Europe