#AVIAssist offers new aviation courses

(Posted 19th May 2022)

Safety resources for the African aviation industry since 1995

Independent | Non-profit | Innovative


The Foundation is pleased to announce resumption of its highly praised classroom courses in September.

If you book before the 1st of August, you get a US$50 discount!

Surprised about our prices? You’re not the only one!

But don’t forget: we are the only non-profit organisation championing the cause of aviation safety in Africa. We have been providing effective and affordable safety support to the African aviation industry since 1995. We are independent, international and impartial. We realise our affordable course fees by deploying professional volunteers and the support of our partners and sponsors. Read more below about our course design, facilitators & sponsors.

Booking and payment is easy. We now offer purchases through our shop that also accepts Mobile Money payment in many local currencies!

Most of our events this year are taking place at the AviAssist Safety Promotion Center (ASPC)-Rwanda at the University of Rwanda. —————————————————————————————————-

Aviation Insurance – Kigali, Rwanda, 14-15 Sep, US$ 450 

For course details click here For bookings, click here

Mental Health Seminar, Kigali, Rwanda, 14 September FREE!!! For event details and bookings, click here

Human Factors, Kigali, Rwanda, 15-16 Sep, US$500  For course details, click here For booking, click here

Peer Support training, Kigali, Rwanda, 15-16 September  For course details, click here For booking, click here

N.B. Course fees do not include travel and accommodation. Arrangements and payment of those are the responsibility of the participant.

Our courses

The course designs follow international standards as specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO, leading regulators from across the world and leading industry associations. Our practising volunteer facilitators, instructors and experts come from organisations and companies that are supervised by European and other leading aviation safety oversight bodies. The letters of credentials of our volunteers means you can verify their pedigree and experience.The fact that our experts are volunteers means they are only motivated by their dedication to safety promotion and not by financial gain.

Our track record of 27 years has equipped the AviAssist Foundation with intricate knowledge of African aviation issues. It also means our courses and events connect to the context of African aviation professionals and don’t focus on content only. For AviAssist, the African market is not an afterthought or a new market: it is WHY we exist.Learners that actively participate in the course and pass the test at the end with a passmark of 75% or above will be awarded a certificate of completion. Participants that obtain a passmark of less than 75% will be issued a certificate of attendance. 

Customers in previous courses included Tanzania CAA, Kenya CAA, Rwanda CAA, Kenya Airways, Zambia Airports Company Ltd., NAC2000, Ghana Airports Company, Precision Air, Tanzania Airports Company, Rwanda Ministry of Justice, Overland Airways, AirServ Uganda, Uganda CAA, Sierra Leone CAA, RwandAir, ALS Kenya, Reliance Air, East African Civil Aviation Academy, Auric Air, Safarilink, Coastal and many others.

Our impact is that we bring courses and events for which there are currently no commercially feasible alternatives in the countries or sub-regions where we hold the events. We are keen to ensure low ‘facilitator-learner’ ratios so all our courses only have limited places – book early to avoid missing out!
For more information contact us as events@aviassist.org 

We hope to welcome you to one or more of events in 2022 as you help push the boundaries of African aviation safety excellence,The AviAssist events team

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Better education – better professionals – better safety
www.aviassist.orge: training@aviassist.org / t: +44.7552.816.435