Chimpanzee Trust October 2015 bulletin

The latest news bulletin from the Chimpanzee Trust
in Uganda for the benefit to keep my readers up to
date on key conservation challenges in our country.


Chimpanzee Trust September 2015 bulletin

Make a donation today to the welfare of chimpanzees in our care at Ngamba Island. #everypennycounts

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Chimpanzee Trust
Plot 1, Bank Close
P.O.Box 884
Entebbe, Uganda
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Integration of Oketch and Asega Oketch developed kidney complications in November last year and he was transferred to the quarantine at Uganda Wildlife Education for management of his condition and he was returned to Ngamba Island chimpanzee sanctuary in March this year. On his return, Oketch had to be re-integrated with the chimpanzee community, while at the same time his special diet has to be strictly followed. This has necessitated careful planning for his integration. Integration of any chimpanzee is always unique to the individual and his relationship with other members of he community. The procedure starts in a controlled environment in the Holding Facility at Ngamba, finally ending with the chimpanzee joining the group in the forest, an area where there is no intervention by the staff

The integration of Oketch suffered a major setback a few months ago from a fight that resulted into major injuries for Oketch. Oketch’s integration had to be halted to allow him recover and recently it was resumed.The integration has proceeded with more caution. Oketch and Asega were finally introduced to the forest enclosure with the community. All went well, until Asega ‘got bored’ by the forest and refused to stay there.

This unfortunately has had an impact on Oketch’s integration, without the support of Asega. progressed well for two weeks with minimal challenges but unfortunately Oketch became weak and it was suspected that the same kidney complication was recurring and so had to be isolated and put on restricted diet. His health normalized in 5 days time and his integration resumed but this time round its first being done in the dusk enclosure.

Asega took time to study the fence until when he identified an area on the old fence where he could jump over and this became his escape route even with minimum pressure from the group. His integration too was halted until his point of escape is worked on


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On 8th of October 2015, the Chimpanzee Trust learnt of a chimpanzee killing incident in Nankabwogo village, Mparo Division, Buhanika Sub County Hoima district. Our team immediately rushed to the scene and was greeted by a horrific scene of the chimpanzee carcass on fire at the place it had been killed. This is an indicator of underlying paranoia and fear of the community of ‘stray’ chimpanzees. Nankabwogo cell is part of Hoima municipality, and we believe that this individual chimpanzee could have strayed from the nearby forest corridor.

Considering the Human-wildlife protocol in place, the Chimpanzee Trust field staff with Uganda Wildlife Authority`s Kabwoya Wildlife Reserve Assistant warden made a follow up visit to the village where the incident occurred to educate the community on human-wildlife conflict and how to live in harmony with the surrounding wildlife.

In other news, a group of officials from World Bank led by Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), in partnership with Chimpanzee Trust field office had a reconnaissance sites visit to follow up on the Murchison-Semliki REDD+ project. As part of the mission, they held a consultative meeting with the Private Forest Owners (PFOs) group in Kibanjwa Village in Kitoba Sub County, Hoima district.

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Pupil from Myende community school

Chimpanzee Trust received 6 boxes of children’s books from the Piccolo books in the USA under the Gift of Giving Project by Ms. Fanny Martinez.

Ms. Fanny volunteered with the Trust in the month of September and arranged for the donation of these books and others to various schools in Uganda. Books donated through the Chimpanzee Trust have benefited 10 schools on the Koome Islands in Mukono district, with each school getting approximately 100 books.

The Chimpanzee Trust is thankful on behalf of the beneficiary school, for the generosity and love from Ms. Martinez and Piccolo books

