Deep sea fishing – one of the Seychelles main tourism attractions

Fishing Adventures off Denis Private Island in the Seychelles

(Posted 14th October 2015)

Visiting Couple Lands a Pair of Black Marlins

Recently, Mr. & Mrs. Jacq – who were visiting Denis Private Island from France – set out aboard the island’s private fishing vessel Lady Claire for a half-day (4 hour) fishing adventure.

With Denis Private Island’s expert fishing guide, Rolly, who has been on the island for about 20 years, it wasn’t long before they caught their first black marlin. And not long after, the couple had landed their second black marlin for the day. Both weighing in at approximately 80kgs, the couple had the thrill of landing not one, but two of these prized fishing trophies – of which Seychelles is one of the world’s top sport fishing destinations.

In line with Denis Private Island’s emphasis on conservation and preserving the island’s pristine ecosystem for future generations, both black marlins caught were released, after being tagged as part of the Seychelles Sport Fishing Club / The Billfish Foundation’s tag-and-release program.

Denis Private Island is the perfect place for beginners and experienced anglers alike to come and experience the thrill and adrenaline of fishing for black marlin, as well as other sport-fishing favourites such as blue marlin, dog-tooth and yellow-fin tuna, sailfish and dorado. Just a few miles north of the island, the sea floor drops rapidly into the oceanic abyss spawning a frantic cascade of life from algae through to the big game fish. Daily charters are available with the island’s experienced crews and expert fishing equipment.