Diary of a Muzungu – listen to the latest East Africa Travel Podcast


(Posted 10th June 2024)




Good morning everyone

In episode 9 of the podcast, join me – Charlotte Beauvoisin, author of Diary of a Muzungu – as I introduce you to my first South African guest, the acclaimed travel and guidebook writer Philip Briggs. Join us in the bird hide at Sunbird Hill to hear:

Mountain gorillas vs. chimpanzees – how does he compare the two tracking experiences?

Why does Philip Briggs say Uganda is Africa’s best birding destination?

Where does he predict will become Uganda’s top exclusive safari destination?

And one last geeky question: is it acceptable to add a bird to your life list if you have heard (but not seen) it?

Missed an episode? Don’t worry they’re all on the blog, Apple, Spotify and all podcast directories

Episode. 9 Why Uganda is Africa’s best birding destination. In conversation with Philip Briggs

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