Famous South African golfer is the latest IRT tourism ambassador


(Posted 20th April 2014)

Well known South African golfer O’Brian Barber is once again visiting Reunion for the ongoing World Amateur Golf Audi Reunion which is taking place over the Easter weekend until the 21st of April at the golf club of Blue Basin.

Ahead of the sporting event did the islands’ tourism office officially appoint him as one of their Tourism Ambassadors, in recognition of the publicity he has and continues to generate for this French Indian Ocean island.

Though unable to compete this year due to an injury will he nevertheless walk the course supporting his daughter Samantha who carries on the family tradition.

Seen above is Barber receiving his certificate from the Vice President of IRT Mr. Patrick Serveaux. The ambassador network set up by the IRT continues to expand and has now risen to 41 individuals selected and engaged in the tourism promotion of the island.

As part of its mission to promote Reunion does IRT support the World Amateur Golf Reunion and invited Lali Stander, a South African journalist, to ensure media coverage of this event in particular in South Africa from where a growing number of tourists are now coming to Reunion, encouraged through a Visa Waiver Agreement which has removed the need for South African passport holders to apply for an EU Visa which Reunion otherwise requires as a French island.

The foreign players who have come to Reunion to play in the tournament will benefit from a trip to the volcano Piton de la Fournaise and other natural attractions in the rugged interior of the 2.500 square kilometer large island.

For more information about Reunion click on www.reunion.fr