(Posted 11th December 2016)
(Pictures taken from the Majlis website)
One of Lamu’s most fancied new resorts, the Majlis, located on Manda Island, yesterday suffered major damage during a raging fire which in the late morning quickly consumed the hotel’s restaurant and bar complex.
Fanned by strong winds did the fire, which reportedly started in the restaurant’s kitchen before spread to the adjoining bar.
Guests came to the aid of the resort staff to carry water and help prevent a further spread of the blaze before the fire brigade arrived and eventually managed to extinguish the fire.
The Majlis is one of the most recent luxury additions to the Lamu hospitality scene and was reportedly fully booked ahead of the Lamu Triathlon which is taking place later today. The Majlis Resort is one of the leading sponsors of this event and news from Lamu is that the race and the support will go ahead. Neither guests, staff nor fire fighters were injured during the incident. No cause of the fire has been established as yet.
It is understood that guests were treated to a special poolside dinner last evening at the Majlis as the main restaurant now needs rebuilding while the management of the resort is making arrangements to keep their inhouse guests comfortable and with other choices to have their meals inside the resort complex.
Said one Samia Omar on Twitter:
Samia Omar
Yesterday at 8:52pm
Dear friends, I just learnt that despite the fire that Majlis had today, they are still proceeding with the triathlon tomorrow. I wish to appreciate their bravery and perseverance. It’s a great portrayal that in Lamu we want the positive news to be louder than the negative. I encourage you all to please show your support tomorrow. The event is 7am-12pm tomorrow. Let’s show Majlis that their work was not in vain. Please make sure your guests, friends and family attend and show their support. Last year drinks were given for free by the hotel sponsor, I suggest that this year let’s buy it and promote the business. Let’s let the media talk more about the good things. Please tell your friends, let all the people of Lamu portray the best thing about us….our hospitality!
Lamu has in the past show great resilience in the face of adversity and will no doubt as a closely knit community together overcome this fire incident in the shortest possible time.