Fly 540 Tanzania halts flights to Kilimanjaro, Mwanza and Zanzibar



A regular aviation source from Dar es Salaam has passed on information, that Fly 540 Tanzania will halt their operations from Dar es Salaam to Kilimanjaro and Mwanza but also Zanzibar, effective tomorrow, 13th of October until further notice. The short notice is bound to further unsettle travelers by air, burned in the past by no notice withdrawals of service by Air Tanzania and the generally less than optimal reputation of 540 will take another PR hit by the sudden cancellation of flights with but 9 days notice, going by the date attached to their announcement even if it only reached widely two days ago.

Said the source: ‘540 is trying to explain that they are making room for the new FastJet to begin operations. That is pure rubbish. You fly your services to the last moment and then the new boys step in and take over. Halting their flights therefore must have other reasons, and you can guess what those are. Load factors will range high on my own list for sure. From me it is good riddance to 540, they have not made any real impact and their low cost pretence never translated into low cost tickets. Lets wait and see now when FastJet will actually start to fly an A319 between Dar to Kilimanjaro and then Mwanza considering the capacity already on the route by Precision and now ATCL returning to these destinations also. They will find out soon what flying in this part of the world is all about’.

Interesting days and weeks ahead for Tanzanian aviation for sure so watch this space for breaking and regular news.

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