France, hit hard by terror, finally lifts anti travel advice against Kenya


(Posted 20th December 2015)

France has at last followed suit in lifting anti travel advisories published last year, warning her citizens not to visit Malindi and the rest of the Kenya coast.

Following the lifting of similar negative publications by the US and UK foreign offices was there really no reason left by other countries should not do the same.

While newly appointed Cabinet Secretary for Tourism Najib Balala reportedly had a meeting with the French Ambassador last month, many interpreted that as Kenya’s way of condoling the French nation for the terror incident in Paris, the second major such attack. Notably did Kenya not issue anti travel advisories of her own but opted to express sympathy and understanding for France, having equally been the target of terror strikes before.

It was therefore perhaps in the spirit of appreciating the Kenyan stand that France finally now acted, freeing the way for French citizens to once again return to the Kenya coast and, importantly, obtain travel insurance which international companies today often decline once anti travel advisories of a certain level have been issued against a destination.

Arrivals from France had on a year on year basis by end October 2015 dropped from the previous 15,938 in 2014 to 14.048 compared with last year, a loss of some 1.900 visitors. With French tourists also ranking among the higher spending nations did the loss of revenue hit equally hard.

Said Cabinet Secretary Balala when commenting on the lifting of the anti travel advisories: ‘We are happy when our tourist source markets appreciate what the government has done in improving security especially in our tourism spots, and we hope all travel advisories to other parts of the country will be reviewed soon’ arguably referring to the Lamu archipelago which has equally suffered from a drop in tourist visitors. He also used the opportunity to call upon some other countries to follow suit now without delay, as some were hasty to follow the US and UK example to slap Kenya with travel restrictions but were slow in withdrawing such negative advice.

For more destination information about Kenya click on or visit for details on the country’s 60 national parks, none of which is under anti travel advisory.