IRT promotes ‘Seal of Quality’ for the islands tourism service providers


(Posted 25th March 2014)

Quality of services is a key ingredient in the rating and ranking of every tourism destination and the Ile de La Reunion is no different from others when it comes to visitors giving their verdict at the end of their stay, via TripAdvisor or generally on the social media.

The island’s tourism office, IRT, has therefore continued to promote a seal of quality, which after more of an audit than simple vetting is given to those service providers who fulfill the criteria and excel in making the stay of their guests one of sheer pleasure.

The criteria to qualify for this recognition is based on several objectives:

To improve the quality of tourism services;

To ensure quality service to consumers;

To distinguish Reunion from competing destinations;

To strengthen the quality image of Reunion for reception, service and professionalism.

Developed in 1996, the label Reunion Quality Tourism (RQT) gave way to the new label Qualité Tourisme La Réunion (QTIR) in 2013. Today, nearly 113 members carry this brand. These establishments are as intimated before subject to regular audits and have all signed up to the ‘quality charter’ which IRT has developed.

Among the twenty new companies are Bed & Breakfast establishments, hotels, resorts, adventure and diving companies and even the Golf Club de Bourbon, a sign of the wide spread of activities covered by the quality award scheme. No doubt, this French Indian Ocean island is worth a visit. Find out more about the island and its wide range of attractions by clicking on