Kenya conservation news update – Ol Pejeta excells again in community relations


Ol Pejeta, one of Kenya’s leading mixed conservancies – they are rearing cattle side by side with an impressive array of wildlife, including predators – has just completed another community support project, harvesting rain water. Ol Pejeta’s community outreach programme has in recent weeks distributed and installed about 40 water tanks across communities surrounding the conservancy cum cattle ranch, each with a capacity of 2.500 litres, which spare the women folk in the villages extremely long walks to fetch their daily rations of water. Some reportedly had to walk as far as 25 kilometres during a return trip to a water source, including carrying 80 litres of water on their way home, part of their daily ‘duties’ while attending to the homestead and its needs.

Ol Pejeta has in the past excelled, and been recognized for excellence in community relations and the establishment of sustainable support programmes, and here again Richard Vigne and his team have gone out of their way to re-invest some of the company’s financial returns into their neighbours welfare.

Alongside has the Ol Pejeta Bursary Fund supported as many as 300 deserving and academically bright young students, helping them with school fees to achieve their life’s dreams and objectives rooted in a sound primary, secondary and tertiary education. Very well done indeed.

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