Last Call for artists as Sauti Za Busara deadline looms


(Posted 18th July 2013)

It is now less than two weeks to go until the period for submission of interest for artists will end and the selection process start for Sauti Za Busara 2014.

The Zanzibar culture and performing arts festival Sauti Za Busara has over the past decade made a huge impact on the region if not the entire continent and established itself as Africa’s foremost platform where newcomers and oldtimers alike perform and showcase Africa’s best music, dances, poetry, films and more.

Year after year do aficionados of Africa’s performing arts make pilgrimage to the spice island of Zanzibar and next year the festival will be held between February 13th to 16th inclusive, once more expected to be a sellout, so early bookings for flights, hotels and resorts are mandatory to avoid disappointment.

Submissions of interest end on 31st of July and those still keen to become part of Sauti Za Busara on the stage should contact the festival organizers via

More information is available via the main entry portal or by writing to them via

Make a date with Zanzibar, where besides the festival there is plenty of more to see and experience, like a tour to the conservancy island of Chumbe (, a visit to the spice farms, a stroll across the ancient Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site (where Serena Hotels has lovingly restored some of the classic Arabic architecture mansions on the seafront to create the Zanzibar Serena Inn), tracing the roots of the slave trade, swimming with dolphins or just enjoying the tranquility of one of the many resorts, like the Essque Zalu Zanzibar ( or the Hideaway of Nungwi ( Zanzibar awaits, Sauti Za Busara awaits, time to book for that unforgettable trip to Zanzibar.

(Scenes of Sauti Za Busara 2013, which had the crowds on their feet – courtesy SZB’s Facebook pages)