Lillian Gaitho’s weekend thoughts


(Posted 22nd April 2016)

Top Seven Essentials that Should Not Miss in any Traveler’s Rucksack

While carrying copies of travel documents and keeping your handy bills on-body-storage make the top commandments for most travelers, there are other fundamental basics that could make or break, even kill your holiday. From gangs of protozoa in seemingly pure drinking water to unpredictable weather on a hike; you cannot be blamed for taking caution. Here are a number of must-have confessions made by travelers on, a popular online hotel booking platform

Water purifier

However pristine and clear the waters may look, there is always a chance of a few disease-causing guys swimming and lurking behind this blinding sparkle. There’s a list of purifiers that can work efficiently for a traveler including micro-filter water bottles, UV purifiers, drops and even tablets. Choose what fits you best, and ensure you are conversant with its application ahead of your travels.

Portable charger and Power bank

Bush or beach, a dead battery is one item that can throw any wanderer off their path. Apart from the various moments that could go uncaptured, lack of communication and any other service that requires a charged gadget can spell havoc on a neatly arranged itinerary. There are a number of chargers and portable power banks in the market, chose depending on brand quality, capacity and the right connector to avoid mishaps.

Adapters, Converters and Transformers

As technical as this may sound, it’s all about your convenience. If travelling across border especially, you’ll definitely realize that electrical standardization is still a far off mirage. While adapters simply change the shape of the plug to allow you to connect, converters and transformers are used to regulate power flow to the gadget in use, in adherence to locally set current and voltage.

Backup memory storage


Whether on cloud, in an external hard disk, micro SD or CompactFlash, backing up your files will save you from the frustration of lost files. Recruit your back up army depending on your needs; do you want something portable? How big are your files and finally, can your fleet synchronize especially for purposes of file transfer?

The Scottevest


This phenomenal jacket has no doubt the ability to replace your carry-on bag. The Scottevest has a number of sewn in pockets and partitioned lining that allows one to walk around with their gadgets and other personal effects literally strapped on them. For the trendy however, the piece can quite make one look dorky, but again, it’s more about function than style! You can layer your armor to match your usual outfit in an adventurous way as opposed to just throwing it on.

Or … your Rain Poncho


Believe you me, nature has a way of pulling fast ones on unsuspecting globetrotters. Forget the statistics and the weatherman; a poncho in your carry-on will definitely save the day. Go for one with a hood that can zip back in to avoid turning it into a bucket when the heavens open.

Your Pain Pills, Band Aid and Personal Effects


From basic painkillers and syrups to your go-to laxative; pack this box of wisdom with just enough to keep your anxiety levels from going on an overdrive. While at it, throw in the all-colorful sewing kit (from your last hotel stay) a miniscule tube of toothpaste and a pack of breath fresheners for any unseen layover.