More inexplicable U-turns by Kenya Railways


(Posted 09th August 2017)


Kenya Railways has done it again and questions are getting louder and more urgent when finally a change of senior management will be affected to stamp out their constant bad decisions which often in the space of hours have to be reversed when the social media timelines explode in their faces.
Today, citing insecurity, has Kenya Railways a few hours ago announced the suspension of services but probably hit over the head by their political masters promptly eaten their words and announced in the space of two hours a reversal of this untenable decision.
The rail company, in an effort for damage control, claimed to have held security meetings, a reason promptly called fake by the social media community, following which their decision of earlier in the day was reversed but other information received suggests that government would have nothing of this and demanded a reversal on the double, leaving the tenure of the rail chief now hanging in the balance after similar faux pas’ were committed over the past months.
The Kenyan government has repeatedly assured Kenyans and foreign visitors that trouble makers will not be tolerated after the peaceful elections yesterday and that when results are being announced security forces will remain vigilant and ready to act.