News from further down South … courtesy again of Gill Staden

It has been a while since Gill filed her last bi-weekly report from Livingstone but sure it was worth the wait … Enjoy her latest exploits from Zambia and beyond …


Ex Livingstone Mayor convicted of manslaughter

Livingstone Mayor suspended

Bus Terminus and Market to be completed in Livingstone

Road trip to Itezhi-Tezhi and Mushingashi

Invoice in kwacha, says the government

Game Rangers International at work

Illegal settlers in parks and GMAs to be moved

Scops Owl at Nanzhila

Rates increase for Vic Falls Town

Amazing Race for Vic Falls Town

Bulawayo Road to be repaired

Legacy Hotels joins African Sun

Solar energy for Zim

Zim Tourism awards

Fastjet to start Harare-Vic Falls route

Elephants visit a garden in Kariba

New painted dog pups near Sinamatella, Hwange

Sky diving in Botswana

Green Schemes for Caprivi

Strategic plan for Zambezi River Basin