News update – Rwanda gets UN’s Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity ‘stamp of approval’


American actor Edward Norton, currently the UN’s Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity, is presently in Rwanda to get firsthand experience on the legislative and regulatory measures taken to preserve, protect and restore biodiversity. As regularly reported here, Rwanda has an outstanding record in protecting flora and fauna and is reaping huge rewards as tourists from around the world are flocking to the ‘land of a thousand hills’ to see the wildlife, birdlife and – inspite of population pressures – intact nature.

Norton, while in Kigali, said he was hugely impressed and greatly inspired by what he saw across the country and felt that ‘little Rwanda is doing more than we do at home [in the United States]. Appreciation and recognition like this is generally hard to come by but surely much appreciated by the conservation and tourism fraternity in Rwanda.