News updates – Zanzibar’s tourism stakeholders demand better services


Water, electricity, security and garbage removal, amongst many other issues, were the main problems cited by the Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors, in short ZATI, when they recently met with government officials to discuss matters of mutual interest and also of ongoing and growing concern.

Other more administrative matters cited by a source from the ‘Spice Island’ were to do with the controlling and elimination of non-licensed operators, which allegedly not only evade license fees but also taxes due to government, besides giving the sector a bad name when they misbehave with foreign tourists.

The tourism industry is arguably Zanzibar’s biggest economic factor, besides the export of the traditional spices and fishing, but according to stakeholders does not receive the level of governmental recognition it deserves, partly – as another source quietly put it – because so many of the investors are foreigners who do not loudly criticise government or openly demand that public services are rendered as they should be. However, local stakeholders have now taken their demands up with government, also on behalf of their more ‘silent’ foreign counterparts, hoping that finally some action is being taken, and water and electricity supplies made more reliable – of course crucially important to the resorts along the island’s sandy beaches