(Posted 24th February 2022)
The pan-African magazine Nomad Africa has announced a call for investors and partners interested in a stake in the publishing brand; and a comprehensively revamped e-commerce platform. Both moves are strategic steps to unlock intrinsic value and further growth into the future.
The 2012-launched, Sandton, Johannesburg-based magazine has a print distribution span across
Africa and globally in digital format.
Solid future:
The investment and partnership thrust were put on hold at the onset of the global pandemic in
2020 till now. As the travel and tourism industry re-emerges from the lockdowns, prospects at
the young publication look bright.
“To enhance our editorial appeal as a competitive read in Africa, we realised the need to look
beyond our resources; hence we now require solid shareholders, from Africa or internationally,”
said John Akinrinbido, Chief Executive Officer.
Invitations are extended mainly to partners and investors who share the same vision of portraying
the authentic African story in view to promote tourism in Africa.
“We publicly extend our heartfelt appreciation to our current investors and partners and invite
more who want to join us in our mission towards African social, cultural, and moral upliftment,”
added Akinribido.
Though from inception, the online and print travel and tourism player has received consistent
feedback from its growing base of readership and advertisers, bringing in investors and partners
is expected to stabilize the business. Interested investors can email invest@nomadafricamag.com
and partners can get in touch using partnerships@nomadafricamag.com .
The Nomad Africa brand accentuates the energy of the African travel and tourism industry, the
myriad investment and developmental opportunities, innovations in commerce and technology,
together with trends in fashions and lifestyle.
“We enunciate African history, business, tourism, and special destinations; culture, arts, and
lifestyle, all affirmed in our intelligent and stimulating editorials,” the CEO concluded.
The vision is to dispel the negative perceptions on the African continent while replacing it with
a positive portrayal.
Juiced-up online presence:
The new-look online platform should drive the vision to become a leading brand accessible
across digital platforms. Embracing e-commerce at the Sandton, Johannesburg domiciled
publication, will ensure monetization that is rapidly catching up with Africa is up-scaled. Even
during the pandemic, the consumption of well-curated news is now more dynamic.
The implosion of the traditional modes of doing business in the current volatile economic system
has necessitated that Nomad Africa Project spread its wings more into the e-commerce route.
That has seen Nomad Africa Project add a slew of exciting channels such as Nomad Africa Blog,
Nomad Africa Online TV, Nomad Africa Online Radio, Nomad Africa YouTube Channel,
Nomad Africa Mobile App, and The African Forum – for readers and thought leaders to join
discussions. Some of these have already gone live or are work-in-progress.
Expansion of online products will not detract from the original vision to dispel various myths
and stereotypes associated with Africa.