Peace dividend pays off for Eritreans


(Posted 19th October 2018)

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Under newly acquired fifth freedom rights will Ethiopian Airlines from December commence nonstop flights from Asmara to London Heathrow.
This will give Eritreans for the first time in a generation a direct airlink to the UK.
Launching on the 01st of December will the new service use ET’s most recent acquisition, an Airbus A350-900, configured in a two class cabin layout of Business and Economy. Traffic days for the three weekly flights are still to be advised,
On the 11th of December will then, also three times a week, follow a flight via Rome to Milan, to be performed by a Boeing B772LR or alternatively a Boeing B788 aircraft.
All six additional flights to Europe originate in Addis Ababa and will also add more capacity on the route to Asmara, raising the total weekly services between the two capitals from 14 to 20.