Reunion seen through your lense – and the winning photograph comes from …


(Posted 24th May 2015)

Fabulous prizes await the 20 selected winners of a photo competition which was just launched by Reunion’s Quality Tourism organization. They are keen to see your Reunion experience as YOU saw it through the lense of your camera, under water, above water, from the air and from the ground. In fact, any pictures of life and activities in Reunion will do, impressions from the manicured gardens of guest houses, their architecture, adventure activities, museum or plantation visits, everyday life in the colourful markets, anything really to catch the attention of the voting public AS LONG as there is a view of the ocean in the background. Because this competition is after all called ‘A Look At The Ocean’.

Terms and conditions? Also made simple by following these steps:

  1. Connect to the Facebook page Qualité Tourisme Reunion Island
  2. Click the "Like"
  3. Go to the Photo Contest Application
  4. Post your photo on the theme of the sea accompanied by a title and a description of the visual
  5. Submit your participation in the internet vote

The outcome of the competition, once the public votes have been reconciled and audited will be established from the 18th of June onwards before the winners are notified on the 22nd of June this year. The link to the Facebook page where the pictures must be posted is

Best of luck to the contestants but truth told, everyone who visited Reunion Island is already a winner