The International Council of Tourism Partners has received an expression of interest by the Rwanda Development Boards Tourism and Conservation Division to join the ICTP alliance of global quality destinations, which provides members according to information published by them with Cooperative marketing / promotion / branding that helps members improve business, extend limited budgets and deliver quality and Sustainable development support to help members towards low carbon Green Growth. Founded and chaired by eTNs publisher Thomas J. Steinmetz, ICTPs president is internationally well known Professor Geoffrey Lipman, ably supported by a board of directors composed of leading tourism and conservation figures from around the world.
Rwanda is a leading high value and high profile tourism destination in Eastern Africa, where conservation of nature and the protection of flora and fauna is a key principle of government policy for instance all plastic shopping bag importation, manufacture and use in the country are completely banned and joining ICTP will undoubtedly widen their global reach to new and emerging markets alongside such other high profile destinations like the Seychelles.
Rwanda, breaking new ground once again as leaders and not as followers. Visit the respective web sites via and for more information on Destination Rwanda and the ICTP.