ServiceMAG rings in next round of #TSMTWEETCHAT


(Posted 28th February 2017_

This coming Friday March 3rd 2017 from 11am-12noon the ServiceMag shall be hosting Clement UWAJENEZA CEO of RwandaOnline, discussing on the efficiency, ease, and reliability of Irembo.

Irembo is Rwanda’s one-stop portal for e-Government services and a platform for Government services online. Some of the services offered include:

Birth certificate, Registration for driving test, Child Registration, Application for National ID, Marriage certificate, Registration for driving test, Certificate of being Single, Criminal record clearance certificate, Renewal of driving license and many others.

Log on at 11am to 12 noon with your questions, comments and suggestions on @theservicemag using the hash tag #TSMTWEETCHAT

The TSM Tweet Chat takes place every fortnight and is an opportunity for business managers, owners and CEOs to interact with their customers, hear their queries and respond to their comments in a bid to improve customer service.

The ServiceMag Tweet Chat started to enable customers/citizens reach top management of businesses, corporations and organisations that serve them. The sessions are also a way of bridging the communication gap between service providers and service beneficiaries.

We thank you in advance for your usual cooperation

For more information contact: Sandra Idossou sidossou