(Picture courtesy of STB)
It was reported overnight that the 6 leading destination management companies in the Seychelles, Masons Travel, Creole Travel Services, 7 Degrees South, Elite Travel Club, Select Seychelles and Vision Voyages have yesterday signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding with China in a meeting organized by the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association, supported by the Seychelles Tourism Board.
Present was the Chinese Ambassador to the Seychelles as well as the Chairman of STB, Barry Faure, who witnessed the representatives of the six companies to put pen to paper. Alain St. Ange, CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board said on the occasion of the signing: This signing of an MOU between all the DMCs comes at the right time. The Government of Seychelles has decided to open direct air access between Seychelles and China. To make this initiative we all need to work together and todays show of unity among all the local tour operators is therefore welcomed. Another source from Victoria also hailed the agreement as breaking new ground, pointing to the near doubling of arrival numbers by Chinese citizens to the Seychelles in 2011 and then adding: when the new airlinks kick in we should see this number rise even further. China is soon going to overtake Europe and America as the main source market for tourists going abroad and we here in the Seychelles are ready to see that market grow. Our tourist office presence in China is working well and in particular the Gulf airlines offer a one stop flight connection for Chinese citizens from a number of key cities. This agreement is very good news for us.
Seychelles, truly Another World.