Seychelles news update – UNESCO application for Mission Lodge gets boost


The pending application for World Heritage Status for the ‘Mission Lodge’ on the island of Mahe / Seychelles has gathered added information to strengthen the case when more ‘digs’ unearthed more evidence of human population around the area, which if granted UNESCO WHS status will be the Seychelles third overall but first purely cultural site.

As reported here previously, Mission Lodge was opened in 1985 by the Anglican Church to provide shelter and education to the children of freed slaves, ancestors to many of the people today living on the islands.

The Seychelles’ Department of Culture is working together with experts from the National Museum and the Centre for Heritage Development in Africa to provide a compelling case for UNESCO for recognition, when the body is next considering applications, and amongst many Seychellois, this correspondent during a recent visit asked about this process, there is no doubt that the country will indeed be given another World Heritage Site to boost the cultural and heritage aspects of the Seychelles tourism industry.

Watch this space.