As reported here previously, the Seychelles governments policy to introduce greener sources of energy had earlier this year resulted in a contract to be signed for constructing two wind power plants on the main island of Mahe.
Located at Ile du Port and Ile de Romainville the two plants will form the pioneer core units, likely to be expanded and likely to be supplemented by similar installations on other locations, for a reduced carbon footprint, as much of the present electricity is sourced from thermal power plants.
The arrival therefore of the dismantled wind power turbines has raised considerable interest in the Seychelles and off loading of the more than 100 boxes and pieces will be completed by early next week, at which time assembly on the readymade sites will commence. A 300 ton crane has also been imported alongside the power units to assist in erecting the towers, as no such large mobile crane has previously been available on the archipelago.
The Seychelles take pride to be one of the worlds greenest countries, with over half of its territory set aside as national parks and protected areas, and in related plans government is encouraging the introduction of electric vehicles on the island of La Digue and elsewhere to eliminate engine emissions and noises. This project, announced a few weeks ago, will be supported by eliminating taxes and duties on such vehicles, considerably reducing the cost, while the new technologies like wind power can then be used to charge batteries without the usual additional impact the environment. The turbines will be put up over the next few weeks before being connected to the national electricity grid and undergoing test runs and President James Alix Michel is expected to formally launch the new installations soon thereafter.
Watch this space to catch the latest news from the archipelago related to tourism, hospitality and the environment. Seychelles, truly Another World.