Seychelles seeks seat on UNWTO Executive Committee


The UNWTO has formally advised member countries of Seychelles’ intent to seek a seat on the UNWTO Executive Committee, representing the African region.

The election will be held during the 55th Regional Commission Meeting alongside the 20th Annual General Meeting jointly hosted by Zambia and Zimbabwe next year.

Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture Mr. Alain St. Ange commented on the news that UNWTO had published the notice: ‘Africa has everything to be the new Continent for tourism. From the Big Five Safari concept to spectacular island beach holidays with unrivalled swimming. Africa also offers ski holidays on the equator with cultural tourism possibilities, to big game fishing, sailing holidays or diving breaks. Africa has its Natural Wonders of Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Aldabra Atoll of the Seychelles, the Table Mountain of South Africa to name just a few of mind boggling attractions and this we need to work through the World Tourism Organization to consolidate it for our respective countries.

The time has come to work with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to take tourism in Africa to greater heights. This we can do by getting the African Union to see tourism as one of their development growth areas. With giants like South Africa and Nigeria working together through the African Union alongside their many smaller tourism destinations [the] sky is the limit’.

The Seychelles will this year record a 7 percent growth in visitor arrivals, catapulting overall numbers for the first time ever across the 200.000 threshold inspite of weakening demand in key core markets in Europe, after implementing a new global marketing strategy, supported by airlines like Air Seychelles and in particular Emirates, which now connects the archipelago with the rest of the world. In February will the world of carnivals once again meet in Victoria, the Seychellois capital city, showcasing the Indian Ocean’s if not Africa’s only carnival event recognized and supported by the carnival organizations from around the world. Minister St. Ange also revealed the background of the bid to become a UNWTO Executive Member when he said: ‘This was initiated by our President in a bid to consolidate the industry for the long term. The President wanted the Seychellois at large to see themselves in the industry that remains the pillar of their economy. That was a sure way for the people of our islands to not only support the industry, but also to defend it and ensure that everyone works for the consolidation of the industry’.

All the best for this election as few would be more eminently qualified to serve on this panel than Seychelles Minister for Tourism Alain St. Ange, representing his Creole island nation on the table of world tourism. Seychelles, truly Another World.