Seychelles wetland conservation efforts termed ‘exemplary’


While observing the World Wetlands Day across the archipelago the Seychelles’ conservation efforts were described as a ‘model’ and example for others. The Seychelles are blessed with extensive coastal and marine protected areas, jealously guarded by a range of governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations and the pride and joy of the tourism sector. In particular mangrove forests along the shores of some of the islands are closely monitored and guarded to protect the isles from erosion and to maintain the rich biodiversity found in such areas.
The main function to observe the global ‘day’ was graced by a number of government dignitaries, members of the conservation fraternity, members of wildlife clubs based at educational institutions and sections of the tourism industry and many participated, after the official part of the function was over, in the planting of mangrove seedlings.
Across the archipelago the celebration was marked by exhibitions, beach clean ups, tree planting and related activities bringing together local communities with the conservationists in the pursuit of a happy and mutually beneficial co-existence.