Smokeless charcoal aims to make better use of resources


(Posted 05th May 2017)

Recycling turns things into other things , which is like magic. Who thought charcoal dust which remains at the bottom of a sack could be turned into another form of charcoal which can be used for electricity generation, heat, and cooking fuel and that is what we do at Laikipia Eco Venture.

An organization based in Nanyuki, Kenya, working towards providing a more sustainable environment for our local community , our credo is "INNOVATE RECYCLE and INSPIRE", we are made up of recycling lovers, in Kenya and the USA. So far our first recycling project is based in Nanyuki Kenya, which consists of a small factory, which is made up of a briquettes compressing machine made from scrap metal. From it we have managed to introduce smokeless charcoal to a majority of homes and hotels in Nanyuki Kenya.

The project began after a charcoal crisis hit a town called Nanyuki in Kenya, this is after the Government banned the burning of charcoal in forests this, resulted in a shortage of the fuel hence product being sold in an exorbitant price. Many homes were left without cooking fuel and they turned to using charcoal dust which is a health hazard due to the huge amount of smoke it emits, and this gave birth to our first idea of making briquettes for homes.

We bought our first briquettes machine in a neighbouring town called Nyeri, and charcoal dust being readily available in Nanyuki, we immediately embarked on making this type of cooking of fuel and gradually introducing it to homes and hotels in Nanyuki, however we intend to expand and penetrate the hotel , lodges and poultry industries. This calls for churning our briquettes in all kind of attractive shapes such as the square, round, goose egg , pillow and so on, to address this, we are planning to purchase a state of the art briquettes compressing machine.

With the assistance of St. Mary’s University California USA, we have set up a crowdfunding account in Indiegogo crowdfunding platform to raise funds which will be channelled towards purchasing of the state of the art briquettes Machine.

For more information visit our account on the link provided below and assist in making this initiative a reality.