7 NGOs based in Arusha seem to have had a sudden change of mind, and a change of financial fortunes by the look of it, as they did a U-turn and are now advocating to build a tarmac road across the Serengeti.
Brand new, state of the art, websites, developed by whom and paid for with what money is now the big question, are indicative that they have found sponsors with deep pockets, willing to underwrite their activities for just as long as the organizations in question do actually support the Tanzanian governments position that the road must be build, by hook or crook.
A short while ago did Germany conclude a 23.5 million Euro financing package for Tanzania, aimed to promote the building of the highway around the Southern part of the Serengeti National Park, where it reaches a multiple in terms of populations and will avoid the migration routes of the wildebeest and zebras.
In the same breath was it also learned that the hate whisperers in Tanzania are once more fueling anti Kenyan sentiment, this time against ANAW, which has brought a suit against the government in Dar es Salaam before the East African Court of Justice, dealing the powers that be several blows, first by having objections against the case being heard by the EACJ in Arusha thrown out by the appellate division of the court and then having the court publicly reaffirm that they are entirely competent under their setting up statute to hear such cases. At that stage the Registrar of the East African Court of Justice delivered a sound slap in the face of official Tanzania when he stated that the court invited more such cases in the future by parties aggrieved and not getting the justice they were seeking within their national judiciary system.
The social media networks, in particular via the 46.033 member strong Stop the Serengeti Highway campaign on Facebook and via are full of buzz and commentaries on this scandalous behaviour, where principle, morals and ethics were sold for the proverbial 30 silver coins, as Judas got for his betrayal of Jesus.
In the latest development it was learned that the Tanzanian government has now employed delaying tactics before the East African Court of Justice, when the government council earlier in the week stated that government was not yet ready and prepared to proceed, shedding light on some suggestions made to this correspondent that the Tanzanian government is attempting to create facts on the ground, or else try and mobilize fresh support for their ill begotten plans to build a highway across the Serengetis migration route in total disregard of not just the injunction by the EACJ but also against world opinion. Watch this space as the assault on Tanzanias environment continues and the Corridor of Destruction further gains shape.

4 Responses
Please name we may campaign against them…..their new websites will be useless when we inform everyone!!!!!!
They are PINGOS Forum, an umbrella body based in Arusha for
pastoralists countrywide, Community Research and Development Services
(CORDS), Ngorongoro Youth Development Association (NYDA), Ngorongoro
NGO Network (NGONNET), Tanzania Pastoralist Community Forum (TPCF),
Association for Law and Advocacy for Pastoralists (ALAPA) and
Tanzania Pastoralist and Hunger-Gatherers’ Association (TAPHGO).
Naming them does not matter neither raising allegations against them is not an issue. The Right of the people of Monduli, Longido, Loliondo and Serengeti like the people of the rest of the worlds entitled to social and economic rights and justice. Yes, the arguments of the NGOS you named above represent the views of the poor Tanzanian who have no access to blogs and internet like you. They have no room to speak out to the world their concern, views and allegations. If you think you can block the voice of the disadvantaged communities for your interest, all of your initiatives will fails and really what your doing to build hatred of the people to the wild conservation. I think the best way you can do not to fight with activist who are for the interest of the marginalized but to create and build good relations with them and more to stand for the side of the people lived with those wild animals for million years. The road is the primary need of the people and not of the NGOS, the beneficiaries not the NGOS but the people, fight with NGOS is like stone the empty vacuum and left the real object. You could state reason for the dis-construction of the road in reply with the reason in support of the road.
Thank you for your contribution and for reading my blog.