I am reproducing the latest copy of the newsletter of the Tourism Confederation of Tanzania, where my earlier sentiments about the sacking of a principled man, Ambassador Khamis Kagesheki, from his position as Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, are echoed.
Inside this issue:
Minister gets tough on Elephant and Rhino Poaching
Minister Commended for Fostering PPP
Tanzania’s Business Environment Still Cloudy
Responsible Tourism in Tanzania (RTTZ) Certifies Hotels
TCT’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on December 18th 2013
Exploit Business Potentials in Wild-life
Despite Vision 2025 and NEEP Tanzania is Still Poor
The former Minister for natural resources and tourism honorable Hamisi Kagasheki has broken the silence and spoke about elephant and Rhino poaching in Africa.
The former minister said, elephant poaching has under-gone major metamorphic change in the recent past, with hundreds of these beasts being killed everyday thus threatening elephant and Rhino populations not only in Tanzania, but throughout the Sub Saharan Africa.
The voice of private business sector involved in travel & tourism
TCT Monthly Newsletter
31 DECEMBER 2013
Mr. Gaudence Temu Chairman of TCT
He said proprietors of the business have developed high level international networks and global links. He said these networks partake their negotiations and business transactions at global level and above nation state. In this way this trans boundary nature of the business chokes the national efforts in tackling the problem. The former Minister said modern wars on poaching calls for both national and international offensives to go simultaneously.
He noted that nationally the government has the obligation of instilling a political will among the people to refuse killing wildlife in whatever way possible, internationally, the government must engage in diplomatic crusade to convince the nations that continue buying the trophies to refrain from the business.
The former Minister said, in order to stop elephant killings these two offensive most be taken simultaneously.
The Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT) Chairman Mr. Gaudence Temu has strongly commended the Minister for Natural Re-sources and Tourism, Hon. Hamisi Kagasheki’s spirit of involving the Private sector in nearly all plans undertaken at ministerial level.
Mr. Temu said constant inter-actions between the private and the government sectors are of paramount importance to national development. He said, the government cannot operate efficiently without the private sector and vice versa, saying they both need each other’s complementary efforts to record development.
Mr. Temu noted that while the government’s responsibilities ended at enacting laws
and regulations of the trade and ensuring that these laws are conducive enough and are favorable enough to the players, the role of the private sector on the other hand is to undertake all ground operations, while observing closely the existing laws, regulations and procedures. He noted that, through this arrangement the two complement each other’s efforts.
Temu said, it is sad though to note the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is the sole government ministry that is keenly observing this collaborative spirit. The Ministry was able to involve the private sector in preparation and implementation of the five years International Marketing Strategy of Tanzania as a Tourist
Destination. This is the first time that the private sector has been able to work with the government sector and come up with such a serious document. He said, further to preparation of the document, MNRT is the sole ministry that retains regular face-to-face meetings with the private sec-tor forum to deliberate issues and challenges that hinder smooth progress in tourism and conservation issues during the year. No other ministry has done something similar to this.
Mr. Temu called upon other Ministries to emulate the MNRT spirit and stop seeing the private sector as an enemy; rather they should see the private sector as a partner in business.
Elephant trophies confiscated from poachers
Although, Tanzania enjoys a relatively peace environment, its business environment has remained unfavorable and in some respects worsening as is reflected in various reports issued by the private sector, academia and the government as well as international benchmarking re-ports.
Dr. Olomi a lecturer in the university of Dar es Salaam noted on policy paper on the business environment that in the past five years Tanzania has ranked be-tween 120 and 145 among 185
economies surveyed annually by the World Bank, in terms of ease of doing business. He further says that, in terms of competitiveness, Tanzania is ranked between 100 and 130 among 133-140 economies ranked -annually by the World Economic Forum.
According to Dr. Olomi the financial and administrative bur-dens on businesses from regulatory framework arise from five major outlets namely, multiple and unnecessary cumbersome regulations, unpredictable business environment due to policy inconsistency, counter-productive regulations, weak enforcement of regulations, poor service delivery by key Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDA’s), as well as Local Government Authorities (LGA’s).
He said the main reason for the above challenges are inadequate trust, underdeveloped the prac-tice of consultations and assess-ments of implications of policies and weak capacities of MDA’s and LGA’s.
Due to lack of trust and underde-
Other assignments include recruitment of new members, production of travel and tourism directory, organization of Karibu travel and tourism fair lobbying for TCT representation to various Public Boards, and recruit-ment of additional staff at TCT Secretariat.
The Chairman’s report noted that despite the good work by TCT Secretariat, the Confederation was still facing a number of challenges including; financial sustainability of the Confederation (i.e. raising adequate funds to cater for all operations and
influenced the parliamentary committees about the tourism agenda, it also influenced changes in government policies, regulations and strategies, it addressed skills and workforce capacity challenges, launched the new international tourism strategy, fostered regional syn-ergy among tourism private sectors by launching the East African Tourism Platform, re-viewed and updated the five year plan with a view to incor-porate tourism sector, and it continued to track tourism information and data.
thereby reduce donor depend-ency); Developing strategic advo-cacy and lobbying techniques (i.e. to spearhead and hasten policy and regulation changes by the govt.); meeting member needs and expectations (i.e. delivering beneficial services to members).
is about encouraging and promoting a more sustainable tourism industry within Tanzania.
It stands for protecting and caring for the diverse cultures of the country, as well as its natural environment, whilst optimizing on business and economic.
Responsible Tourism Tanzania is about encouraging and promoting a more sustainable tourism industry within Tanzania.
It stands for protecting and caring for the diverse cultures of the country, as well as its natural environment, whilst optimizing on business and economic.
Each step will guide the organization toward becoming not only a matured enterprise in terms of responsibility, but a role-model for others.
The Responsible Tourism in Tanzania (RTTZ) has this year certified four hotels.
The RTTZ chairperson, Mr. Damian Bell named the hotels that have been certified as; Isoitok Camp. Manyara Wildlife Safari Camp, Chumbe Island Lodge, Blue Oyster Hotel and Irente Bio Diversity Reserve Lodge.
Responsible Tourism Tanzania
Responsible Tourism Tanzania (RTTZ) certified four hotels….
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veloped culture of consultations many regulations are being introduced without adequate assessment of their practicability and implications.
He said within MDA’s there is an entrenched practice of valuing hierarchy where junior officials do not feel free to critically scrutinize or expressing dissenting views on what their seniors pro-pose.
He says, the same MDA’s do not recognize the value of consulting external stakeholders to get their input in policy proposals.
TCT ‘s Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was held on Wednesday 18th December 2013 reviewed year 2012 Con-federation’s annual perform-ance, programme implementa-tion exercise and membership services. The Meeting received also the 2012 audited financial report.
According to TCT Chairman’s narrative report for 2012 financial year, the Confederation’s overall performance was quite impressive. The Secretariat through the able leadership of Richard Rugimbana successfully
TCT’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013.
The former Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT) Hon. Hamisi Kagasheki charged TPSF officials to exploit further the existing business potentials in wildlife and forest sectors. The former Minister noted that wildlife and forestry sectors have so many unexploited business opportu-nities, which are still lying idle and call for the private sector to harness.
He named some of these as wildlife conservation in private
Dr Msambichaka noted that, the spirit of foreignization is
contrary to the objectives of promoting broad based economic growth that ensures the prosperity of all Tanzanians.
The Don noted that one decade since NEEP was put in place Tanzanians are still experiencing the challenges of unemployment, of getting safe and clean water, quality health care, decent housing, quality education efficient transport and communication.
The number of poor people has reached a 1.3 million people.
He said NEEP was put in place in order to achieve social economic goals alongside pursuing economic growth objectives and as a way of maintaining the long cherished peace and social stability but has not done much to reverse the situation.
According to Dr. Msambichaka the need for unraveling of the intertwined challenges compelled him to propose the fol-lowing strategies as the most
probable options to make economic empowerment happen in Tanzania; to enhance Tanzani-ans human capital and skills development, Building equity ownership of Tanzanian Citi-zens in the corporate sector so as to encourage the participation of low income Tanzanians in owning shares, enabling Tanzanians to own non-financial assets, these include land, houses, industrial premises, industrial estates, commercial buildings and complexes and trading spaces in urban areas.
Others include; enhancing Tanzanians with entrepreneurship and commerce skills, main-streaming economic empowerment across board, implement boldly the fundamental.
The University of Dar Es Salaam renowned business scholar, Dr Msambichaka has warned that despite the existence of vision 2025, the Na-tional Economic Empowerment Policy and the National Eco-nomic Empowerment Act 2004, the country still belongs in the group of the world’s least Developed Countries with a per capita income of US $ 609 in 2012.
Dr Msambichaka said, although the economy grew seemingly rapidly especially after the privatization policy in 992 reaching the peak rate of 7.8 in 2004, emphasis on distributional and ownership aspects was insufficient hence resulting in visible socioeconomic im-balances between indigenous Tanzanians and foreigners and between the urban and rural population.
He said in the process -"foreignization" has been creeping in and taking the lead in the economy.
The “Foreignization” has been creeping in and taking the lead in the economy….
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Dr. L..A. Msambichaka a lecturer at the university of Dar es Salaam
ranches, operating privately owned forest reserves and the various products thereof, running ecological tourism in –
TPSF to urge the private sec-tor to come forth and make use of these opportunities . Tanzania has set a side nearly 40% of its total land area for forest conservation.
Despite the government ef-fort to protect these forest the country suffers and annual laws of nearly of 400,000 hectares of forest each year through shifting cultivation legal logging charcoal business and land clearance for agriculture and other human activities.
existing forests, engaging in timber business and greening initiatives etc.
The former minister said it was disheartening to learn that despite the existence of all these potentials, our people are still poor.
He said Tanzania is very rich in terms of natural resources and has some of the finest investment climate, which motivates its people to invest in harnessing these resources. But, it a pity that, the response to this effect is very poor. The former minister therefore, called upon
Hon. Hamisi Kagasheki the former Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT)
P. O. Box 13837
Dar es Salaam—Tanzania
Tel: (255 22) 2136 177
Fax: (255 22) 2136 188
Cellophane: (255) 754 488 642
Email: rugimbana-tct
Web: www.tct.co.tz
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Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT) is the umbrella Organization representing the private business sectors involved in travel and tourism industry in Tanzania.
TCT is the apex body, which was formed in June 2000 and launched on March 23, 2001 at Courtyard Hotel by Hon. Zakia Hamdani Meghji, Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism.
TCT’s mission is to shape the direction of the tourism industry by building and developing a prosperous and responsible tour-ism sector through innovative and visionary leadership and partnership with our members.
Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT) is the voice of Tourism Industry in Tanzania.