#TwigaTours – They put their money where their mouth is


(Posted 24th May 2024)


Twiga Tours and Twiga Travel, through the Manji Foundation, distributed textbooks, school materiala and food to Masai Mara flood victims 



The God’s were definitely smiling on us…

A bright sunny day as we touched down at Olkiombo Airstrip, Masai Mara National Reserve to distribute food to some 3,000 residents in the area and textbooks for Grade 4 & 6 for students at Loigero Primary School that were damaged or washed away by the recent floods.


It is always gratifying to see the huge smiles on their faces inspite of the difficulties facing them but, one that always touches my heart, is spending time with children at the schools we support under our family foundation, The Manji Foundation, one of these being Loigero Primary School.



These children never fail to amaze me and are so disciplined and keen to acquire knowledge and succeed in life. It was difficult to leave after the presentation of the textbooks but a second community group at a different location were waiting and, so with heavy hearts, Nargis and I finally left these gorgeous children and proceeded to the next location.



The distribution of food at both locations was so well organised and Nargis Manji and I say a huge ‘Asante Sana’ to all supporters, well wishers and volunteers who made this event a huge success. Thank you to everyone who responded to our appeal for donations – THANK YOU! May God bless us all.
Twiga Tours Twiga Travels

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