Appeals process starts for the three former tourism leaders


Former Permanent Secretary Rebecca Nabutoola, former KTB CEO Dr. Achieng and former Maniago Safaris CEO Duncan Muriuki yesterday appeared before the High Court in Milimani / Nairobi, pleading to be granted bail ahead of a formal appeal hearing going underway. All three convicts, through their lawyers, cited a number of issues why their long prison sentences and added heavy financial fines should be overturned.

Joined in the appeals process are Maniago Safaris, which want their name cleared as they were never served with summons to attend trial and hence were not represented by counsel, yet mention by the magistrate in her guilty verdict. Maniago’s chances to have their mention struck from the judgment are considered quite high though observers feel that the three found guilty in the initial hearing my perhaps only hope to have their sentences and fines cut, as there was simply too much evidence produced against them, leading to their convictions.

A financial scam, misappropriation and misuse of funds and other offences were, at least according to the trial magistrate all proven beyond reasonable doubt, leading to the conviction of the trio several months ago.

The fall of the once high and mighty it seems, as Kenya’s judiciary gets tougher under their newly defined rights drawn from the country’s new constitution. Watch this space as the appeals process continues.