Dear Friends,
Welcome to the New Forum Focus!
In this month’s Newsletter, meet the good neighbours, read about a doctor’s testimonial in Mukogodo Forest, and find out what our partners and stakeholder groups have been up to in the landscape. |
Working with us and the Borana Conservancy, a membership organization (Oramat Lenaboisho) has been leading the formation of community groups to discuss issues of grazing, security, employment and reconciliation of past grievances.
The communities to the North and East of Ole Naishu have been working with Oramat in the Laikipia east landscape to bring about better communication and more regular collaboration in the neighbourhood.
Read more about the good neighbours >>> |
Stephen Njoroge is a clinical officer in charge of the Health Center in Arjiju and has had countless encounters with elephants in the facility’s coumpound."Herds trooped about the health centre at night and drank all the water from our tanks. We would end up without any water to use in the hospital. Imagine a maternity ward without water! "
But the new fence comes with hope!
The newly constructed solar-powered fence in Arjiju Village covers 45 hectares and is part of the Disney Conservation Fund implemented through The Laikipia Forum at the larger Mukogodo landscape.
The committee in Makurian included Arjiju Health Center as a priority facility to be protected in the village.
Read Njoroge’s Story here>> |
We are supporting cross-county efforts alongside the County National Disaster Management Authority (NMDA) and County Steering Group.
In a welcome partnership, the NDMA and Amaya Triangle Initiative are leading a 4-county initiative in an effort to stabilize and bring economic development to the region.
At a regional workshop in Rumuruti at the beginning of October, representatives and partners from Baringo (Amaya ward), Laikipia (Sosian ward), Samburu (Seguta Marmar ward), and Isiolo (Ol Donyiro ward), completed the preliminary designs of development activities designed to turn these areas into a livestock enterprise zone
Read More>> |
Updates From Our Partners and Stakeholder Groups |
‘Increasing water productivity’’ was the theme of the October’s Farmers’ Field Day held in Kiahuko Area, Naro Moru WRUA, Nyeri County.
The event organized by the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership (MKEWP)in partnership with SNV. It attracted 230 farmers from 19 Water Resources Users Associations (WRUAs) from Nyeri, Meru and Laikipia Counties.
The farmers were trained on irrigation technologies, water harvesting and storage, water abstraction, access to finance, as well as market-based approach in agriculture.
Want to join MKEWP in its activities? Want to be a part of the next Farmers Field Day?
Please contact MKEWP Water Resources Specialist, James Mwangi.
Email: James.Mwangi
Tel: +254 746 607 181 |
In recent months, the Partnership has been distributing the Guide and empowering communities within the Ewaso basin through the WRUA Clusters – Mutara WRUA Cluster in East Laikipia is the latest beneficiary of the sensitization exercise as part of Fauna and Flora International /OPC Project in the area.
58 Water Resources User Associations (WRUA) members from three sub-catchments in the Greater Laikipia landscape participated in a good governance efforts led by MKEWP in partnership with Ol Pejeta Conservancy and Fauna and Flora International.
They learned about the new policies for water, and the devolved functions of County Governments in water management.
Read More about MKEWP’s efforts in Mutara |
Are you interested to visit and enjoy the wild and personal experiences of Laikipia?
Through the Destination Laikipia platform, you will get recommendations for holidays with discounted rates, and efficient reservations, as well as regular updates on travel information in the County.
This is a boost to the County’s tourism promotion and private sector support, and will greatly contribute to tourism growth in the Laikipia landscape.
Laikipia Tourism Association (LTA) will manage the platform making it easy for its membership to feature their properties, package their offerings, and advertise major upcoming events.
These efforts are also supported by the County Government of Laikipia.
Talk to John King’ori, the LTA Secretary to join as a member and to learn more about the new platform.
Read More about Fresh Laikipia Experience. |
Think you can dance? Nkando Women Group entertain farmers during MKEWP’s Farmer’s Field Day. |
Council of Elders bless the formation of community mechanisms supporting good neighbourliness in Laikipia North. |
Don’t Miss Our Annual General Meeeting this Saturday November 3rd at the Nanyuki Sports Club from 10 am! |