The Rhino Fund Uganda / Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary has sent out a timely reminder that on the 24th September the annual Raft for Rhinos race will be taking place on the River Nile.
Organized with one of Ugandas leading adventure travel companies, Nile River Explorers, the raft race will take place from the original jump off point below the Owen Falls dam and will run for about 4 kilometres towards Bujagali Falls, where the finishing line has been set.
As a number of teams are expected to participate from across Ugandas corporate and NGO scene, there will be heats to establish the finalists before the race winner is established.
Team members are due for a briefing at 09.00 a.m. on Saturday 24th at the Nile River Explorers camp at Bujagali Falls which is also the race headquarters and main stage for watching the rafts come down the river to the finishing line.
Additional attractions like jet boat rides are also on offer, with the proceeds going to the Rhino Fund and all profits made during the day from food and drink sales at the Nile River Explorers Camp have already been pledged to the Rhino Fund too. Expect a great show and, mindful of traffic, be early to secure good parking and front row seats to watch the spectacle on the Nile. Contact angie or leslie for more information and to sign up.
For details on Nile River Explorers see and to learn more about the Rhino Fund Uganda and the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary go to