#Uganda sets new benchmark for Africa’s aviation industry


(Posted 27th May 2024)


Courtesy of Dr. Alain St. Ange


Seen here are Ms. Jennifer Bamuturaki, CEO of Uganda Airlines with Dr. Alain St. Ange of Seychelles.


Jenifer Bamuturaki is the CEO of Uganda Airlines, the national carrier of Uganda, the country known as the Pearl of Africa and one of the country’s influential women CEO’s able to influence tourism and travel.
Dr. Alain St.Ange, President of the African Tourism Board (ATB) was in Uganda last week to attend the country’s tourism trade fair POATE, with Cuthbert Ncube, the Board’s Chairman, as invited guests by Uganda’s Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities. The two were honoured by Uganda during POATE alongside Nigeria’s best known tourism personality, Mr. Ikechi Uko.
Dr. Alain St.Ange is the former Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine of the Seychelles who today heads his own Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy. He met with Jenifer Bamuturaki, the CEO of Uganda Airlines and was briefed by her on the existing routes of the airline as well as new routes that should be announced soon.
The drive by Jenifer Bamuturaki is remarkable and her commitment for Uganda, its tourism industry and for Africa is clear for all to see. With recent new routes to Mumbai and Lagos and with the coming new routes are clear indications that Uganda Airlines is on a new firm footing and set to be an airline to change air access on the continent with Entebbe as the hub” said Alain St.Ange before adding that Uganda Airlines is playing a pivotal role already in enhancing connectivity between Uganda and the rest of the world and that Africa should be proud of this success story.


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